
CNCCookbook 2021 CAD 调查 [市场份额、客户满意度]

admin 2021-12-18 00:18:09 38242
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是时候展示 CNCCookbook 2021 CAD 调查的结果了!
对我们有关生产 CAD 软件包的问题的回答不到 500 人——而去年约为 300 人。非常感谢大家的参与!
我们有2013 年、2015 年、2016 年、2017 年、2018 年、2019 年和现在 2020 年的 CAD 调查数据,因此我们也可以在这里看到一些市场趋势。顺便说一句,我将其称为“2021”调查,因为那是进行时。但现在是 2021 年初,所以我将图表中的数据称为 2020 年。
我们的受访者表示,总共有 46 个软件包用于生产,高于去年的 39 个。这是在没有任何细分尝试的情况下整体份额的样子。让我们从占市场份额的 91% 的顶级套餐开始(高于去年的 90% 和 2018 年的 82%):
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去年,F360 的份额有所下降,今年它已经反弹了很多。在 CNCCookbook,大流行的一个影响是在此期间有更多的业余爱好者加入了专业人士。我怀疑很多商店要么被停职,要么对新购买的商品进行限制。
Solidworks 和其他许多公司一样损失了一点点。两个最大的输家是 Rhino3D 和 BobCAD,它们分别排名第 3 和第 4 位,分别跌至第 5 位和第 6 位。Autodesk 继续巩固其领导地位。
与往年一样,Vectric 是今年的一个补充,但它的份额正在上升。同样,我怀疑这是由于大量业余爱好者的活动造成的,我们很快就会看到更多数据来支持这一点。
SolidEdge、Pro/E、NX 等大型重型专业软件包中的大多数已经下滑。
Alibre 是一个不错的软件包,其份额略有增加。即使在被收购后,Onshape 仍在继续缩小。
平均受访者会尝试大约 3 或 4 个包裹,然后才决定选择一个。如果您正在尝试决定一个包,请务必尝试多个。
最常试用的 CAD 软件包占试用的 94%,高于 82%。这肯定反映了小型参与者的整合和思想共享的丧失:
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F360 与去年相比下降了一个百分点。Solidworks 下跌 1.7%。而 AutoCAD 实际上上涨了近 1%。
SketchUp 上涨了,Inventor 也略有上涨,而 FreeCAD 去年甚至没有上榜。
以下是顶级生产市场份额 CAD 软件包的采用结果:
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Solidworks 去年略胜于 Fusion 360,但现在情况正好相反。我不确定这些数字是否可以仔细阅读——两者在从试用到购买的过程中都有很好的动力。我想说任何转换超过 25% 的玩家都必须为他们的试用用户提供非常好的“驾驶舱”体验。
您正在评估新的 CAD 吗?
只有略高于 11% 的受访者对更改他们的 CAD 软件包感兴趣。学习一个包需要相当长的时间,而且一旦掌握了一个包,就很难切换。这一切都提供了减缓市场份额变化的摩擦。希望发生变化的数字略高于去年,但不足以表明市场将发生重大变化。
业余爱好者 vs 专业用户
CNCCookbook 服务于专业和业余 CNC'ers 的混合受众。去年这项调查有 64% 的参与者是专业人士。今年已经回落到 55% Pro。如上所述,我一整年都看到证据表明业余爱好者一如既往地活跃,而专业人士似乎在大流行期间放缓了脚步。
就像我们的 CAM 调查一样,我们可以看到 Fusion 360 将继续存在,但主要参与者也不会去任何地方。与去年一样,有人提出了一个问题来确定软件包的相对免费(加上教育和盗版)份额与付费份额。
  • 使用免费、教育或盗版版本:25%
  • 支付全价:75%
尽管 Autodesk 对免费 F360 设置了很多限制,但与去年的 21% 相比,免费还是有很大的提升。大流行时期绝对是艰难的。
保持一些观点是值得的。2018 年,免费类别占受访者的 29%。
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当我们谈论付费软件包时,SolidWorks 重新回到了第一名,尽管它的份额从去年的 33% 下降到今年的 28%。对于市场领导者来说,这是一个非常大的下降。
与此同时,F360 获得了大量付费用户。去年,我对 Free 有以下看法:
我们看到这一预测在今年实现了,因为 Autodesk 对 F360 的免费版本施加了一系列限制。诸如无需更换工具和 G00 急流之类的事情。显然,如果付费市场份额的增加有任何迹象,它就会产生巨大的差异。
但这并不是故事的全部——看看当我们对数据进行切片以显示 Hobby 与 Pro 使用时会发生什么:
以下是业余爱好者的 CAD 软件包市场份额:
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毫不奇怪,F360 是目前业余爱好领域的领导者。毕竟,它以非常便宜的价格提供专业级的动力。太好了,我经常想知道下一层如何生存。
我承认我很惊讶地发现 SolidWorks 位居第二。很棒的产品,但对于大多数爱好者来说太贵了。接下来是 Vectric、Alibre、AutoCAD,也许还有 BobCad。
Rhino3D 似乎正在脱落。很遗憾,因为我喜欢这个软件,但我与他们的交往表明他们可能很困难,而且有点以自我为中心。我不知道这是否是下降的原因,或者 F360 令人难以置信的价格/性能是否让它们疲惫不堪。
Onshape 继续下跌。没有惊喜。当他们突然改变免费产品的性质使其几乎无法使用时,他们很早就冷落了业余爱好世界。
以下是专业用户的 CAD 软件包市场份额:
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Solidworks 继续在 Pro 用户中占据主导地位,尽管它自去年以来有所下降。
尽管专业人士采用缓慢的趋势,F360 取得了可观的收益,从专业市场的 16.1% 上升到 23.7%。但是,他们显然没有从 SolidWorks 中获得所有份额。如果我们寻找大幅下降,我们会看到一些来自 Rhino3D、BobCAD、Pro/E 和 Vectric。
  • 它摇滚!
  • 没关系
  • 不太满意
我们为 It Rocks! 得 2 分,为“还好”得 1 分,为“不太满意”得 -2 分,然后将所有这些加起来得出最终的客户满意度分数。根据这些答复,我们向第一名和第二名的包裹颁发了金奖和银奖客户满意度奖。
金客户满意度奖:Autodesk Inventor
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祝贺 Autodesk Inventor 团队获得客户满意度金奖!
银奖客户满意度:Autodesk Fusion 360
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祝贺 Fusion 360 团队获得客户满意度银奖!
以下是我们过去三年 CAD 调查的客户满意度详细分数:
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大多数产品的趋势是下降的。大流行并没有让 CAD 用户心情愉快。
Solidworks 和 Rhino3D 出现大幅下滑。Onshape 的跌幅更大。
在上升趋势方面,Alibre、BobCAD、SketchUp 和 AutoCAD 的得分有所上升。


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2021-12-18 00:18:09
It’s time to present the results of the CNCCookbook 2021 CAD Survey!
I will present the results in two installments.  The first is this article, and the second will be in the form of a further update to this article.  If you’re part of our email newsletter (signup is below this blog post), you won’t miss one as I will announce each update in the email newsletter.
Without further ado, here is the first installment!
There were not quite 500 responses to our question about production CAD packages–up from about 300 last year.  Thank you all very much for participating!
We haveCAD Survey data for 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and now 2020, so we’ll be able to see a little market trending here too.  BTW, I am calling it the “2021” survey because that’s when it was taken.  But it is early 2021 and so I refer to the data in the charts as 2020.
Overall: Market Share of Packages Used in Production
In all, 46 packages were represented as being used in production by our respondents, up from 39 last year. Here’s what the overall share looks like without any attempt at segmentation.  Let’s start with the Top packages, which comprise 91% of the market (up from 90% last year and 82% in 2018):
Last year, F360 was down on share a bit and this year it has bounced way up.  Here at CNCCookbook, one effect of the Pandemic has been a lot more hobbyists joining that Professionals during this time.  I suspect a lot of shops were either furloughed or keeping a lid on new purchases.
Solidworks lost a tiny bit as did many others.  The two big losers were Rhino3D and BobCAD which had been #3 and #4 and fell to #5 and #6 respectively.  Autodesk continues to consolidate its leadership position.
Vectric was a write-in this year like prior years, but it’s share is way up.  Again, I suspect this is due to a lot of hobbyist activity, and we will see some more data to support that shortly.
Most of the big heavy pro packages like SolidEdge, Pro/E, NX, and the like have slipped.
Alibre is a nice package that saw a modest gain in share.  Onshape continues to shrink even after their acquisition.
Overall:  Mind Share of Packages Tried
If Market Share represents packages in production, packages tried is closer to being “Mind Share.”  If you’ve tried a package, you’re aware of it so it has some mind share.  We can also learn from the ratio of production market share to “tried it” market share.  A package that has been tried by many and adopted by few is obviously different than a package where the majority who try it adopt it.
The average respondent tries about 3 or 4 packages before settling on one.  If you’re trying to decide on a package, be sure to try several.
The most commonly trialed CAD packages account for 94% of the trials, up from 82%.  That surely reflects consolidation and loss of mindshare for smaller players:
F360 is down a fraction of a percent versus last year.  Solidworks is down 1.7%.  And AutoCAD actually gained nearly a percent.
SketchUp is up, Inventor is also slightly up, and FreeCAD wasn’t even on the chart last year.
What about that adoption ratio?  How many who tried wound up buying?
Here are the adoption results for the Top Production Market Share CAD Packages:
This is an interesting category because it shows how many who tried decided to buy.  Therefore, these numbers are indicative of satisfaction achieved during a trial when evaluating the software.  If the vendor is successfully getting their word out, then all other things being considered, the Adoption Rate should tell us who will grow by next year’s survey.  Let’s see how that goes.
Solidworks had slightly edged out Fusion 360 last year but now it is the reverse.  I’m not sure the numbers can be read that closely though–both have nice momentum on the journey from trial to purchase.  I would say any of the players that converts more than 25% must have a pretty good “cockpit” experience for their trial users.
Adoption rates look good for all the top contenders on market share (and the list is sorted with higher market share at bottom of the graph).  You can see that’s one reason they have such high market share–people try them and wind up buying.
Are You Evaluating New CAD At This Time?
Only a little over 11% of respondents are interesting in changing their CAD packages.  It takes quite a while to learn one, and once you have mastered a package, it’s really tough to switch.  This all provides friction that slows down market share changes.  The number looking to change is a little higher than last year, but not enough to suggest major market shifts.
Hobby vs Pro Users
CNCCookbook serves a mixed audience of Professional and Hobby CNC’ers.  Last year this survey had 64% of the participants were Professionals.  This year that’s fallen back to 55% Pro.  As mentioned above, I’ve seen evidence all year that the Hobbyists were active as ever while the Pros seemed to slow down during the Pandemic.
Analysis: Free vs Paid
Much like our CAM Survey, we can see that Fusion 360 is here to stay, but the major players aren’t going anywhere either.  Like last year, a question was asked to determine the relative Free (plus educational and pirated) share vs paid share of the packages.
Here are the overall figures:
  • Use a free, educational, or pirated version:  25%
  • Paid full price:  75%
Despite Autodesk putting a lot of limits on free F360, free is up quite a bit from last years 21%.  Times were definitely tough with the Pandemic.
It’s worth keeping some perspective.  In 2018, the free category was at 29% of respondents.
Free vs Paid Market Shares
Here is the breakdown on what percentage of the respondents are using Free/Educational/Pirated versions for each of the top packages:
There’s no denying that free is a powerful tool to drive adoption, so I find it all the more impressive when a tool that has very low percentages of free users does so well in the market share comparison.
In fact, if we take out the free users, the market share situation changes pretty radically:
When we talk about packages that were paid for, SolidWorks jumps back to #1, although it lost considerable share from 33% last year to 28% this year.  For a market leader, that is an extremely large drop.
F360, meanwhile, gained a huge number of paying users.  Last year I had this to say about Free:
The interesting thing about free, is just as nature abhors a vacuum, shareholders abhor a lack of profits.  Sooner or later most free things tend to get a lot less free.  Free is typically used as a tool to accelerate growth until market dominance can be achieved.
We saw that prediction come true this year as Autodesk slapped a bunch of limitations on the free version of F360.  Things like no tool changes and no G00 rapids.  Apparently it made a huge difference if the increase in paid market share is any indication.
That’s not the whole story though–see what happens when we slice the data to show Hobby vs Pro use:
Hobby vs Pro Market Share
Pros need different capabilities than Hobbyists, and they can afford to pay more for their tools.  For example, Pros need to be able to exchange files in whatever format their customers operate, so it is much more important for them to use higher market share products.  Pros also care how easy it is to hire folks who already have the skills to use whatever software they’ve chosen–also an argument to buy higher market share software.
Hobbyists, meanwhile, want simplicity and low cost first and foremost while raw power is number 2.
Here are the CAD Package Market Shares for Hobby Users:
Not surprisingly, F360 is by far the leader for the Hobby segment.  After all, it offers Pro-level power at an amazingly cheap price.  It’s so good, I’ve often wondered how the next tier down survives.
I admit I am surprised to find SolidWorks in the #2 position.  Fabulous product, but WAY too much money for most hobbyists.  Next up would be Vectric, Alibre, AutoCAD, and maybe BobCad.
Rhino3D seems to be falling off.  It’s a pity, as I like the software, but my dealings with them suggest they can be difficult and a bit self-focused.  I don’t know if that’s the reason for the fall-off, or whether the incredible price/performance of F360 is wearing them down.
Onshape continues to fall.  No surprise.  They pretty much snubbed the hobby world early on when they abruptly changed the nature of their free offering to make it almost unusable.
Here are the CAD Package Market Shares for Pro Users:
As I mentioned, Pro users have different needs from Hobbyists.  They’re also a lot slower to change away from something that’s working and paid for.
Solidworks continues to enjoy commanding market share for Pro users, even though it has fallen off a bit since last year.
Despite the tendency for Pros to adopt slowly, F360 made subtantial gains, going from 16.1% to 23.7% of the Pro market.  But, they clearly didn’t take all that share from SolidWorks.  If we look for big declines, we see some from Rhino3D, BobCAD, Pro/E, and perhaps Vectric.
Customer Satisfaction Awards
I’ve saved the best for last.
Respondents were asked to rank satisfaction with their production package as:
  • It Rocks!
  • It’s Okay
  • Not Very Satisfied
We awarded 2 points for It Rocks!, 1 point for It’s Okay, and -2 points for Not Very Satisfied and then combined it all to get our final Customer Satisfaction Scores.  Based on those responses, we award a Gold and a Silver Customer Satisfaction Award to the first and second place packages.
Without further ado:
Gold Customer Satisfaction Award:  Autodesk Inventor
Congratulations to the Autodesk Inventor team for taking the Gold Customer Satisfaction Award!
Silver Customer Satisfaction Award:  Autodesk Fusion 360
Congratulations to the Fusion 360 team for taking the Silver Customer Satisfaction Award!
Custom Satisfaction Analysis
Here are the Customer Satisfaction detail scores for the last three years of our CAD Surveys:
The oldest scores are the yellow top bar while this year’s scores are the bottom blue bar.  As such, you can see the overall trend for these products.
For most of the products the trend has been downward.  The Pandemic did not put CAD users in a generous mood.
Solidworks and Rhino3D suffered solid drops.  Onshape had an even worse drop.
In terms of upward trends, Alibre, BobCAD, SketchUp and AutoCAD went up on their scores.
